I’m so excited, I have several craigslist negotiations percolating right now. I’m crossing my fingers that they all work out! I had almost forgotten how much I love buying stuff through that site. I’ve furnished a large portion of the rooms in our house with purchases I’ve made through craigslist. Here are my major scores:
Our dining room buffet/hutch ($300). This was a SCORE because it had never been used and it PERFECTLY matched 0ur existing dining room table!
The chairs in our reading nook ($150 for both).
Our master bed frame ($200).
The bed frame in our guest room ($10).
The bedroom set (bed frame/ armoire/ dresser with mirror) in our other guest room ($300).
Our current desk ($80).
Paul the Dog (FREE).
My job.
Just to put that all in perspective, we spent just a little over $1000 on ALL of those purchases…to buy all of those things brand new could have easily been ten times that. For me, saving money on furnishing the house makes spending money on something we really want (like our new IPAD!) a little more feasible.